In this video, a boy talks about the school. He said something about don´t be a bully or the one that punishes the bullies because it will only make more bullies. That´s right, I can be mad about the people who are abusing of the little ones, but if I do the same thing to them I´m only turning like them. I don´t want that. The thing I can do is defending them without being a punisher. Like, for example, if a group of junior high boys are playing football and suddenly a ¨big guy¨ comes and takes the ball away of them, I can tell them to return it or just doing it for myself.
Also he talked about the history, there is a lot of people who say that studying history is a waste of time. But this boy says that we have to study history so we don´t repeat it. Period, that´s all.
I liked the video because it´s about the truth, and the boy is funny so he made me laugh.
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